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Today's News and Features

5 Pre-Summer Checks for a Well-Insulated Home

Thursday, May 19, 2016

El Niño’s effect on the U.S. has been mild so far, but it is expected to bring above-average temperatures to many regions this summer—and homeowners should be prepared.

One of the simplest ways to beat the heat at home is with adequate insulation, says Patrick Pitrone, president of USA Insulation.

“Most people associate insulation with keeping things warm,” Pitrone says. “However, it is equally important when it comes to ensuring your family is cool and comfortable in the summer. We've helped customers save thousands of dollars in energy costs, making insulation one of the best investments you'll never see.”

Minimum insulation standards are not as effective as they could be, adds Pitrone. Homeowners should conduct checks in these areas before the heat wave sets in:

Attic – Confirm the insulation in your attic is at least 12 inches thick. Generally, there are 15-20 inches of insulation in a well-insulated home, Pitrone says.

Band Joist – This is the area where the basement ceiling meets the basement wall. Check to see if there is an open cavity or space—there shouldn't be!

Basement – It may not be the most fun to navigate your way through your basement crawl space, but it's important to inspect, says Pitrone.

Ductwork – Make sure there are no holes or areas of exposure in your duct system—this can leak 30 percent of the cool air generated by your A/C.

Walls – Remove a switch plate (or drill a small hole) to determine whether or not there is insulation in the walls. Remember that even if there is insulation, it may be insufficient.

Beyond these checks, consider contacting a professional to do a thorough insulation assessment. He or she can recommend best options for your home’s specific needs.

Source: USA Insulation

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