Kenneth B. Baris
Jordan Baris Inc. Realtors
50 Mt. Pleasant Avenue, West Orange, NJ07052
Kenneth B. BarisO: 973-736-1600C: 973-736-1600

Today's News and Features

Stay Dry: Hurricane and Flash Flood Safety

Friday, September 14, 2018

Hurricane and flood warnings should not be taken lightly. If you have a storm headed your way, consider the following safety tips from the National Safety Council.

- Board up windows and secure loose items like patio furniture.
- Establish an assembly point for family members to meet if separated, and choose one person everyone can contact with their whereabouts and status.
- Take shelter in a sturdy building; avoid isolated sheds or other small structures, open areas, hilltops, the beach or boats.
- If you are driving in heavy rain, try to safely exit the road, stay in the vehicle and turn on the emergency flashers.
- Never drive into flooded areas; if flood waters rise around your car, abandon the car and move to higher ground.
- Avoid contact with electrical equipment, cords, metal and water.
- Listen for warning sirens, stay away from windows and exterior doors, and seek shelter in a bathroom or basement.
- Stay indoors until authorities tell you it's safe to go outside.

Flash floods:

- Know your proximity to rivers, streams and dams.
- During heavy rain, avoid underpasses, underground parking garages and basements
- Don't walk in water above your ankles; you can be swept off your feet in as little as 6 inches of rushing water.
- Turn off the electricity and other utilities.Source:

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