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Mike ParkerO: 859-647-0700C: 859-486-3300

Today's News and Features

Selling Solutions: Maintenance Musts to Tackle Before You List Your Home

Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Looking to list your home in the near future? Set yourself up for a successful home sale by tackling potential problems before you even hire that home inspector.  Consider these tips from 128 Plumbing, Heating, Cooling & Electric:

Repair any existing leaks. Many leaks go unnoticed until a thorough inspection is made, so the best practice is to be proactive. Check crawlspaces and basements for signs of slow leaks, and if unsure, run a meter test. Shut the water off for about two hours and monitor any change in the meter. Contact a professional if a leak is suspected.

Inspect the water heater. Over time, the heating element in the water heater can become corroded or even covered by scale, especially in areas with hard water. This will reduce the effectiveness of the water heater. If the unit is newer, it might be best to have the element replaced. If the unit is older, consider an upgrade to a tankless water heater to add value to the home. Rebates may even be available through a local energy or utilities program.

Check for electrical issues. Shorts, faulty circuits and unreliable current are all red flags to potential buyers. They can also be safety hazards, so it's best to have a licensed electrician inspect the home's electrical system before placing it on the market.

Schedule tune-ups for the air conditioner and furnace. Regardless of the current season, both the air conditioner and furnace should receive a tune-up prior to listing the home. Professional tune-ups can include filter changes, cleaning the units, lubricating mechanical parts, inspecting the flues and identifying any disasters waiting to happen. This will help improve the efficiency of both units, prevent any unexpected breakdowns, and can help restore or improve the indoor air quality of the home. It will also provide a peace of mind for the new homeowner during the upcoming season.

Inspect the main drain by video camera. Increasingly, potential homeowners are asking about the condition of the home's main sewer line to prevent future back-ups, pipe replacement and harmful damage to the home. A professional drain technician can provide a video analyzing the inside of the main sewer line, identifying any potential issues that need to be corrected.

Source: 128 Plumbing, Heating, Cooling & Electric

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