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Today's News and Features

7 Ways to Rev Your Metabolism

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

By Barbara Pronin If it seems harder than it once was to lose a little weight, it’s because our metabolism, that little engine in the body that burns up the calories, tends to slow up as we age. But nutritionists tell us there are some fairly easy ways to stoke up the fat-burning potential:
  • Don’t overdo calorie-cutting – Drastically reducing calories is a surefire way not to lose weight because metabolism slows down in an effort to protect you from starvation. For most people, around 1,200 calories a day results in slow but steady weight loss.
  • Eat breakfast – Studies consistently show that breakfast eaters who consume protein and high-fiber carbs lose weight far more readily than breakfast skippers.
  • Nibble all day – Sounds counterproductive, but eating five or six mini-meals daily keeps you metabolism humming. After a high-fiber breakfast, your mini-meals should include protein- and vitamin-rich items like string cheese, yogurt, chicken or fish, green salads, fruit, and steamed veggies.
  • Go for the good carbs – Refined carbs, such as bagels, white bread, and potatoes, create a surge in insulin that promotes storage of fat and may drive down your metabolic rate. Choose whole grains (including whole-grain pasta), vegetables and fruits that have less impact on insulin levels.
  • Load up on low-fat dairy – Recent studies show that dieters, especially women, who consumed milk, yogurt, and low-fat cheese three to four times daily lost 70 percent more body fat than those who didn’t.
  • Spice up your soup or stir-fry – The capsaicin in jalapenos and cayenne peppers temporarily reduce your resting metabolism rate. That stimulates the production of stress hormones, like adrenalin, which speeds up metabolism and burns calories.
  • Do the work-out – Regular weight training, or adding short bursts of activity into your daily routine stimulates your metabolism and your weight loss. The gym is great, but if you can’t manage that, then for five minutes out of every hour, do something active – even if it’s only a walk around the office or a short sprint down the block and back.

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