Brittingham - Dunsten
Long and Foster Real Estate
408 Cobblers Green, Salisbury, MD21801
Gee DunstenO: 443-523-0023C: 410-251-8233
Brandon BrittinghamO: 410-546-3211C: 443-783-3928

5 Ways to Keep Your Fridge Clean and Neat

Nothing is more off-putting than a fridge in desperate need of a clean, both for sanitation and sanity. Consider the following suggestions.

Empty it out. Set aside 30 minutes every other weekend to completely empty out your fridge, inventory your items and toss anything expired.

Vacuum it. Yes, vacuum. Once your fridge is empty, use a hose attachment on your vacuum to snap up crumbs and debris that are a pain to wipe away. While you're at it, clean the coils in the back of your fridge to keep them free from dust that slows the fridge's efficiency.

Give it a wipe. Using your favorite cleaner or a vinegar solution, wipe down your fridge's inside and outside, as well as any condiments or containers you plan to put back inside.

Line your shelves. Using reusable liners or simple paper towels, line the shelves of your fridge for easy cleaning on the next go-around.

Load it back up. When reloading your fridge, try to organize contents in the sections you use them, for instance, gather produce together, dairy together, sandwich items nestled in a small organizer, and leftover containers at eye level so you can easily take an inventory.

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