Brittingham - Dunsten
Long and Foster Real Estate
408 Cobblers Green, Salisbury, MD21801
Gee DunstenO: 443-523-0023C: 410-251-8233
Brandon BrittinghamO: 410-546-3211C: 443-783-3928

Today's News and Features

Safety Tips for Your Electrical System

Monday, May 07, 2018

The safety of our home's electric system is often something we take for granted. From hitting a switch to illuminate your space, to plugging in and charging your devices, we rarely consider the currents coursing through our walls. However, to keep your family safe and your home secure, it's important to consider your electrical system, and whether or not your system is safe.

T. Webber offers the following tips for staying safe while using electricity:

Get to know your electrical system better – First and foremost, spend some time becoming more familiar with the home's electric system. Learn what runs on each circuit, and get to know the limits for each. Overloads can be dangerous, and electrical fires from overloads can do a lot of damage in a little amount of time.

Don't overdo it with extension cords – Extension cords are great for reaching a little further with items like electric blowers or work lights, but it's important to remember to use them safely. Don't daisy chain multiple cords together, and don't use them for items that will pull more power than the extension cords are designed to handle. They can overheat, short and even be the cause of a house fire.

Practice extra care around swimming pools and hot tubs – Swimming pools can make the spring and summer heat bearable, but homeowners should exercise caution when using electricity in their vicinity. One electric grill or sound system tumbling into the water can be fatal to any present occupants. Keep a good amount of space between the pool and items like these, and make sure to dry off before using them. If there is concern about the proximity of any power lines, contact a professional for advice.  

Operate backup generators responsibly – When a spring storm knocks out the power, a backup generator can save a lot of money, time and heartache by keeping important appliances like refrigerators and hot water heaters running. However, they can quickly become dangerous if used carelessly. Make sure not to overload them by attempting to power more than they are rated for, as this can cause shorts and electric fires. Also, take care not to operate them near windows or inside a garage as they can introduce poisonous carbon monoxide to your living spaces.

"Always remember that too much confidence can be dangerous when it comes to electricity," says Tommy Webber, owner of T. Webber Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning . "As electrical professionals, even we practice caution at all times. We encourage homeowners to follow these tips for safety, and always contact a professional when electrical problems or concerns arise."


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