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Today's News and Features

Home Maintenance Tasks for Daylight Savings

Monday, November 05, 2018

Daylight Saving is a wonderful time of year to tackle home maintenance tasks. According to Culligan, a water treatment professional, these five easy tasks can make the most of the extra hour around the home:

Check your alarms. Batteries need to be replaced in all the alarms in your house every six months. Smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms don’t last forever, so it's important to take a look and consider the last time you replaced the batteries. If you can't remember, it might be safer to replace the alarms altogether, as they typically only last 10 years.  

Inspect your appliances. The lifespan of appliances such as HVAC systems can be lengthened with regular maintenance. Not doing so can also result in efficiency loss, which can lead to higher energy bills. Schedule a professional to inspect your unit, as well as other large appliances including the refrigerator, washer and dryer, to avoid a potentially expensive headache in the future.

Test your water. All water isn’t created equal. Consequently, it's important to re-consider the safety and quality of the water you drink and wash yourself and your clothes in. Use Daylight Saving Time as an annual reminder to get your water tested. A basic water test from your local water expert can detect impurities such as nitrates, hardness and total dissolved solids that are odorless, tasteless and sometimes harmful.

Clean out your medicine cabinet. November is a great time to take check your medicine cabinet. With winter—and flu season—coming, it's important to make sure your cabinet is stocked with the necessary medicines to get you through the season. Use the extra hour to throw out expired medications and replace them with new ones. It's important to note that most drugs expire within 12 to 60 months from the date of manufacture, so if you can't remember when you bought a medication, it's likely time to replace it. Most local pharmacies will dispose of expired prescription medications.

Seal your windows. Daylight Saving Time is the perfect time to get the house prepared for winter. With the cooler weather on the way, small cracks and gaps in window frames and doors can allow water, insects and crisp air to creep inside. To save energy, money and protect your home, check the sealant around windows, doors and trim to see what needs replacing. All-weather, waterproof sealant is an easy DIY project that can make a big difference.


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