The Speicher Group
RE/MAX Realty Centre, Inc.
3300 Olney-Sandy Spring Rd, Olney, MD20832
Christopher SpeicherO: 301-710-9920C: 301-580-3899
Peggy Lyn SpeicherO: 301-710-9920C: 301-580-7708

Today's News and Features

Social Media Success: Optimizing Your 'Likes' Campaign

Monday, October 15, 2018

If you're looking to grow your social media audience, then you're likely looking for likes. According to digital marketing company Fishbat, developing campaigns solely to build a bigger user base to market to in the future can pay off in a major way. Here are four tips to keep in mind when optimizing your Likes campaign, from Fishbat.

Target the Correct Demographics. Like any other type of marketing, it's important that ads focused on building likes or follows focus on the user base most likely to lead to sales in the future. Building up the number of likes doesn't mean much if 90 percent of those follows won't ever make a purchase. While a company might see a lower number of likes overall by targeting very specific demographics, each individual like will carry far more value.

Track Beyond Simple Vanity Metrics. This tip builds off of the guideline mentioned above, and really revolves around the idea of why exactly a company is trying to increase likes. While this specific campaign may have an end goal of increasing brand awareness rather than selling a specific product, it's important to keep revenue increases or stagnation in mind when designing these campaigns. The best ads will play double duty - increasing likes and driving up sales at the same time.

Add Incentives to The Campaign. No matter how attractive the business' advertisements are, the fact of the matter is that most people won't give the page a second glance if they don't have something to gain. Whether it's information that adds value, or a more direct avenue like offering discounts or an entry into a contest, giving users a reason to actually like the page will go a long way toward effectively building likes.

Engage with Users with Hashtags, Tagging, and Retweets. This tip focuses specifically on Twitter, as the approach for maximizing follows during a campaign are a little bit different. For optimal brand promotion, a company will have to engage with those in the industry as well as potential customers. Rather than focusing entirely on advertising, the most successful corporate twitter accounts are extremely active on the platform with tagging, retweeting relevant content, and appropriate use of hashtags. Sometimes just using the free aspects of the platform as effectively as possible can make the difference between a marketing dud and a successful Likes campaign.

Source: fishbat

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