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Today's News and Features

Homeowners Ask: Will a Rise in the Key Interest Rate Impact My Mortgage Payment?

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Approximately 90 million people could see an increase in their monthly debt payments, including their mortgages, should the Federal Reserve Board raise the key interest rate 0.25 percent, according to recently released research by TransUnion. Most of those people, however, would be able to afford the increase—in fact, 90 percent would see their debt payments go up by less than $10 per month, at an average $6.45.

“Most consumers have the financial capacity to absorb a $7 increase in their monthly payments, especially if they can plan ahead for the increased obligation,” said Nidhi Verma, senior director of Research and Consulting for TransUnion, in a statement.

Ten percent, however, do not. TransUnion researchers report that segment is susceptible to “payment shock,” a “change in monthly payment obligations.”

“Fortunately, we believe it is highly unlikely the Fed will raise rates more than 25 basis points at any one time over the near term,” said Verma. “This pace gives potentially impacted consumers an opportunity to adjust. In many cases, making minor changes to household spend would allow consumers to accommodate the payment shock.”

The key interest rate, or “benchmark,” informs the movement of mortgage rates, which, to date, remain attractively low.

Source: TransUnion

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