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Today's News and Features

Are You Looking for a Pet Friendly Home?

Monday, February 01, 2016

By John Voket In our last report, I explored ways people are using or creating pet-friendly features to sell their homes. But what if you're a pet owner looking for a new home? offers up "13 Steps to Finding Pet-Friendly Housing." One of the key points is understanding why many housing communities reject pets.

Any potential landlord, housing manager, property owner, or condominium association board member may have had bad experiences with irresponsible pet owners who didn’t safely confine their animals or pick up their feces, sneaked pets in, or left ruined carpets and drapes when they moved out.

They may be worried about complaints from neighbors about barking dogs and wonder how they are going to deal effectively with pet owners if problems arise.

That’s why people looking for an apartment, house, or condominium to rent must be able to sell themselves as responsible pet owners, who are committed to providing responsible pet care and being responsible neighbors. says the more documentation you can provide attesting to your conscientiousness as a pet owner, the more convincing your appeal will be to your future landlord. Compile the following documents:

A letter of reference from your current landlord or condominium association verifying that you are a responsible pet owner.

Written proof that your adult dog has completed a training class, or that your puppy is enrolled in one.

A letter from your veterinarian stating that you have been diligent in your pet’s medical care. Supply documentation that your pet has been spayed or neutered and vaccinated against rabies. (Sterilized pets are healthier, calmer, and far less likely to be a nuisance to neighbors.) Most veterinarians routinely fulfill such requests for their clients.
Don't forget, says, responsible pet owners make excellent residents. Because they must search harder for a place to live, pet caregivers are more likely to stay put.

Lower vacancy rates mean lower costs and fewer headaches for landlords and real estate agents. Let prospective landlords and managers know that you understand that living with a companion animal is a privilege, not a right.

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