The Valerie Fitzgerald Group
Coldwell Banker Previews International
301 N. Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, CA90210
Valerie FitzgeraldO: 310-285-7515C: 310 285-7515

Today's News and Features

Q: Is an agent's commission negotiable?

Saturday, August 22, 2015

A: Yes.  There is no standard commission.  They are not set by law and vary depending on service, customer needs, and company policy. In general, agents charge between 4 percent and 8 percent for full service.  Some agents prefer not to offer sellers’ the option of paying a fee for an individual service.

If you insist on overpricing your home, an agent may well insist on a higher commission to cover the added marketing expenses and time that are needed to sell it.

Think of a commission as a point you must negotiate and evaluate.

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